
It's a Mystery

Seth enjoys writing and illustrating comic books starring his hero, ten man. (not tin man) Many times, he'll ask me to spell something, or sometimes, write something out for him if he gets impatient with writing, letter by letter. The past couple of times I've written for him, he has called a question mark a mystery mark. As in: "Mama, write 'what the' with a mystery mark after, then those three dots."

What the?...

I don't think I can express how much this pleases me.

Mystery mark. I love it.


califmom said...

I love it! The mystery mark. It's brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I love it too!

Ann said...

LOVE it! Because a "question mark" almost inherently implies there will be an answer (and there may not be). Where as with the mystery mark...who knows? It leaves it open, and it feels more honest. I love it!

(btw, thanks for visiting - and yep - a POUND of chocolate. WOW right?)

MamaMo said...

Perfect! After all, a GOOD question is almost always a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Another fan of the mystery mark!

Melanie said...

That is adorable. CLEARLY he has a poet's soul.